Saturday, May 17, 2008


Brother and Mom
Handhorf, South Australia - 2008

*that's NOT a handbag my brother put on his shoulder. that was our snack bag, which somehow hung in there when I took this photo xP*


missicality said...

this one's reaaallyy pretty I LOVE IT!!

blue pankponk said...

dita, ajarin aku donk ..... pake apa sih itu ?? adobe itu ato corel ?

Adi Indra said...

BAGUS DIT!!!! Tuh kan udah bisa hehehe. Coba2 aja ndiri terus :)

Andita Vernada said...

thank youu mira =D
itu pake photoshop CS3 ween, baru download yg 30 days trial.. hehehe..
ini semua kan berkat bimbingan elu di! haha makasi yaa.. gw nanti lanjut berguru lagi sama lo yaa..

Maya Junita said...

Keren Dit.. =]