Friday, October 31, 2008

In the Meantime..

Ouyeah. I had a wonderful time last night, it was my graduation ceremony. A very touching and memorable celebration, i must say. My parents were there, as well as my closest friends (i really wish you were there, Mend..). And of course, we didn't missed the golden opportunity of taking a billion pictures of us in our regalia. I certainly will upload the picture here :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

How Does He Know You're The One?

Everytime I watch a movie or read an article that brings up the topic of marriage, romantic wedding, and couple stories, I have the same question that pop-up in mind : "How did she know he's the one? How did he know she's the one? What makes them so sure about spending the rest of their life together?"

Most women answered "I just knew it. You know he's the one when you stop wondering whether he's the one or not." Romantic. But that wasn't the answer I'd been waiting for. It just somehow didn't hit the spot. I need some logical explanation.

So I asked a good friend of mine, whose recently got married, "So tell me, how did you come up with the idea of marrying her?" And he responded:

Because she's worth it. She worths every second I spend on this planet. She worths the extra lembur time that I have, she worths every single tears that I shed for her to be happy and settled. And about her being my wife.. the more I thought about it, the more I wanted it.

That's just... a perfect answer. Yet it leads me to another thought. "What does it take to make me worth that much?"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Every turning point in life can be harsh because you're forced to leap and land where you may."

Laura Mercier

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Super Stoopit.

Karena satu dan lain hal, tadi iseng2 gw search Christian Sugiono di google image.

Dan bodohnya gw adalah, instead of ngetik christian sugiono, gw malah ngetik christian SUGIATNO ! pantesan ga ketemu2 gambarnyaa... hahaahaha.. serasa dia anak bapakku aja.

How I See a Life.

Most of the things in life are not always turns out as we wanted.
People around us are not always acts as we want them to be.
(But that doesn't mean they're not nice)

Sometimes, we feel offended by others, but never think that we offend them.
And sometimes, it's better to just SHUT UP and LISTEN.

Not to be judgemental,
But if I were those who can't stop complaining about itsy-bitsy-little-tiny things...

There I finally say it !

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10 Facts and Habits About Me ?

Kayaknya lebih tepatnya dibilang 10 Facts About Me and My Blog deh. Hahha.. Ini PR dari judotens, gw ada di urutan pertama lho ! Uhuy ! Yak, langsung saja ya ini saya jabarkan jawaban2 saya terhadap pertanyaan2 berikut:

1. Nama :
Andita Vernada. Aslinya ya nama gw nggak ada family name nya ya, baru setelah gw di Perth aja, nama belakang bokap -Sugiatno- jadi eksis xP

2. Ngeblog :
Awalnya ngeblog di friendster. Lama2 kok jadi pengen bikin di blogspot. Sebelum blog ini aktif, gw pernah bikin blog 2 kali di blogspot. But after a couple of posts, I was failed to sign back in to my blogger because I forgot my username. Stoopit. Lalu sempet juga gw bikin blog di multiply. Waktu itu pas lagi heboh2nya bisa sharing lagu disitu. Eeh, baru bikin, application download lagu nya udh di remove. Yasudah, ga pernah dibuka lagi deh blog itu.

3. Kesibukan :
nggak sibuk-sibuk amat. gw udh lulus kuliah, tp blm dapet kerja full-time. jadi ya selama ini gw cuma kerja part-time aja di sini. Lumayanlah buat nambah2 uang saku selagi nyari2 kerjaan full-time.

4. Penggemar dari:
waduh apa ya.. dari segi musik, nggak ada band yang gw suka-suka banget. gini deh, karena gw perempuan, jadi i'm a big fan of HANDBAGS, SHOES, DRESSES, and MAKE-UPs :)

5. Cita cita:
seperti perempuan pada umumnya juga, cita2 gw pengen jadi wanita karir sekaligus ibu dan istri yang sukses.

6. Selain ngeblog :
ya banyak lah yg bisa gw lakukan selain ngeblog. salah satunya adalah Facebook-an. Hahaha, so I told myself "get a life, hey !"

7 Kelakuan:
tukang tidur. kalo ngomong suka sembarangan, nggak pake mikir dulu. gampang senewen apalagi kl lagi kepanasan. gw bukan org yang rapi2 banget, tp benci kl liat rumah berantakan. nggak pernah respect sama orang yang self-centered *ini sih bukan kelakuan ya?*

8 . Other :
apa ini? gw bingung jawab yang ini.

9 Keberuntungan :
dikelilingin sama orang-orang yang baiknya luar biasa :)

10 Masa depan blog :
5 years from now, I will read every single post in my blog to watch how I've grown as a person. So basically, this blog will always be my virtual diary for me, so in the future, I can still look back to my old memories.

And here comes the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

I tag Wendy, Maya, Mira, Adi, Meika, Mendi, Marisca, and you :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank You :)

Thank you, for being incredibly nice to me.
Thank you for all the things you've done for me.
Thank you for giving up many things for me.

Thank you for just.... being you.
I love you.

When Summertime Gets Too Hot.

One of a few things I hate about Perth is the weather. It gets too hot during summertime! Even in the begining of summer, when it ONLY reach 28 degress, the air feels so heavy, thick, and humid. It makes me hard to breath.

And that makes me can't sleep.

Arrgghhhh. No more boogie-ing because I'm not in the mood.

Jackson Five Fever.

Don't blame it on the SUNSHINE.
Don't blame it on the MOONLIGHT.
Don't blame it on the GOOD TIMES.

Blame it on the BOOGIE !

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Never Ending Stupidity.

Sebel banget gwwww... Jadi orang kok ya pelupa dan bodohnya kadang2 gak ketulungan sih. *nangis meraung-raung sambil jedot2in kepala ke bantal, akhirnya ketiduran*

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cerita Hari Ini.

Papaku berulang tahun sebentar lagi. Jadi tadi siang gw ditemenin superboii nyari kado di city. Muter2 kira2 satu jam, baru dapet kadonya. Untungnya, untuuunnggnyaa, lagi pada sale lho ! Tadi gw beliin electric shaver, lagi diskon 30%. Lumayan kan. Mudah2an aja papaku mengerti ya cara makenya, hehe..

Abis itu ke Harbour Town, superboii mau nukerin game di EB games. Waktu itu beli tapi baru 3 jam udh tamat, jadi tadi dia tuker sama game lain yang lebih susah. Enak bener ya disini bisa refund dan nge-trade barang dengan gampangnya. Pulangnya rada macet. Kira2 setengah jam baru sampe rumah. Cuma naro belanjaan sama ganti sepatu aja sih di rumah, abis itu langsung pergi lagi ke Curtin. Ada acara Pasar Malam.

Tapi gw di drop aja, superboii nggak ikut turun. Alesan utama gw kesini sih karena Wendy sama Odri pada buka stall disana. Rame banget-nget Pasar Malamnya. Gw sama mendi sampe pusing, jalan bolak-balik sana-sini ngeliatin makanan apa aja yg dijual. Seperti biasa sih, pasti ada sate. Tapi gw udh makan sore nya di city, jadi di pasar malam tadi cuma beli2 dessert aja.

Tadinya rencananya gw pulang sama anak2. Tapi ternyata superboii mau jemput. Yaudah, jam 11an pulang deh. Sekarang gw bener2 harus mandi, badan sama rambut gw bau asep bakar sate :(

Sunday, October 12, 2008


The List of Things That Makes Me Feel Awful:

  • Meeting double-faced people, you can also call them backstabber, whichever more convenient for you. Whether you realize it or not, we ALL have met this kind of person in life.
  • Paid a friggin 75 bucks for a lousy haircut.
  • Being jobless. I don't have to explain why, it's just.... not easy being jobless. Oh thank God I have a temp job for now.
  • Say something hurtful to my loved ones.
  • Trapped in a conversation I never had intention of getting involved in. You know what I mean.
  • Logged on to my FB the whole day. It's like... I show the whole world that I don't have a life. Haha.
  • Getting involve in a tough argument. Oh that sucks, simply because I'm not a good it. I would prefer to do such thing in writing.
  • When my house is in such a mess. I live in a really small house here, with 4 girls living together in it, you can imagine how messy it could be.
  • Ironing.
  • Bugging my parents for something I CAN live without (i.e ipod, leather handbag, etc).
  • When I can't stop complaining about itsy bitsy stuff, while I actually already have more than enough.
  • Summer in Perth, when it reach 40 degrees.
  • Again, get a lousy haircut, yet I have to pay for it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pardon Me.


Halah halah.. Nemu foto ini di FB, baru di upload sama Niya. Foto jaman SMA ! Ya amplop liat aja muka gw masih jadul banget gitu. Maap ya masih ompong, abis cabut gigi gara2 pake braces. Muka dan rambut berminyak. Mana item banget lagi gw. Ini di kelas 3 IPS 1, lagi pelajaran agama sama Bu Qomariah. Setiap pelajaran agama, yang anak perempuan diwajibkan pake kerudung, yang laki2 pake kopiah. Baru juga Bu Qoqom keluar kelas bentar, kita udh pada berulah. Gw sama Tazman waktu itu sebangku, trus kita sok2 foto kawinan gini., satu kerudung dipake berdua. Nggak penting banget sih emang, namanya juga anak SMA. Hihi.


Look at Wendy!
Aaw so cute!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Ya ampun beser itu nggak enak banget ya. Hari ini sih mendingan, tapi kemaren tuh parah banget.. Dalam 3 jam masa' 5 kali gw pipis? Itu mengganggu banget lho. Apalagi kalo lagi tidur, nggak enak kan kalo sebentar2 harus kebangun gara2 pengen pipis. Gw nggak ngerti cara ngilanginnya gimana. Udh 3-4 hari begini. Emang sih udaranya lagi agak dingin, tapi dulu pernah lebih dingin daripada ini dan gw nggak beser tuh.

Kenapa ya kenapaa?

Next Vacation.

Oh mum. She's taking me to Melbourne after my graduation ceremony, again, to visit my brother. And of course, I'm excited. I did all the booking things just to get more of the pre-travelling-excitement. Current status:

- Flight. Return ticket for me and mum (Jetstar): confirmed.
- Accomodation. Travelodge Southbank, booked via for 3-10 Nov: being processed.

I can't wait. Yeah.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Enak juga ya ternyata bisa online dari hp. Hihi, baru pertama nyoba nih, makanya jadi norak. Ini jg kebetulan aja di rumah ada wireless broadband, jadinya bisa free pake wifi nya. Coba kalo musti set internet dari providernya, kayaknya jadi mahal...

Ini iseng aja lagi berusaha pengen tidur tapi nggak ngantuk2. Biasaa, sebabnya cuma 1: karena udh kebanyakan tdr siang. Hihi..


Things I have PLANNED to do this weekend:

  • Iron my clothes.
  • Creambath, scrub my foot and so on..
  • Clean up my room.
  • Vacuuming living room.
Only one hour left (it's Sunday 11pm), and I haven't done any of those. Haha lazy dong yaah. Me and superboii had lunch together and we rent some DVDs. Oh, and we also went to IGA to buy a pack of smoked cheese. I tried it yesterday at Royal Show's free tasting dairy product (I hope none of their products use chinese milk which contain melamine), and it was DELICOUS. The best cheese I've ever tried! I thought smoked cheese was like some kind of innovation in cheese industry, until superboii told me that it's been in the market for ages. Ouch.

Anyway, the cheese I bought at IGA doesn't taste as good as the one I tried yesterday. Make sense for me, because Royal Show's cheese was sold at 20 bucks, and the IGA's one only cost me around 2 bucks. Hehe. Price comes with quality.

As for tomorrow, I'm working from 10-5.30. Yeah. No more boring days.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What Do You Think?

While at work, a guy came in to have a cup of latte. I knew him, because he comes to Michel's literally everyday. Twice - three times a day, to be exact. Honestly, I don't know why but I don't really like him.

So anyway, he called me and asked what I'm gonna do this weekend. Going to Royal Show, I answered. Guess what, he said "SO YOU'RE RICH, EH?"

That was a very RUDE comment for me. I don't even know him, hey! It's like, did he really think that I can't afford to pay the ticket and enjoy the rides and games? Okay, I actually have bought a discounted ticket for tomorrow, which cost me 10 bucks (normal price is 24 bucks). Does that make me RICH? I don't know with you guys, but if I were him, I wouldn't be dare to say something as insanely stupid as that.

That kind of comment often come from someone I barely know. Well, of course! Because the people I close with wouldn't be too discorteous to throw such an offensively shallow comment!

ps. maybe i'm just being overly sensitive. BUT! really, if you experience this kind of situation yourslef, you'll understand how impolite it feels.