Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Eid Mubarak.

As we celebrate Eid Ul-Fitr
I would like to apologise for all the wrongdoings I have done in the past
May your heart be filled with joy and may you be blessed
with happiness and peace

Happy Eid Mubarak :)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dear Am.

Hey my Am.
How are you? Where are you?
Is it just me, or you're really hiding from all of us?
I don't know what happen to you.
I don't know how your new life's been treating you.
I don't know if everything's okay.

Because I've never heard from you since last month.

The only thing I know is that you are in deep regret.
The only thing you wish every night is to be able to turn back time, which is impossible.
You've done the wrong thing, you've made the wrong move.
But maybe... you've made the right decision. Based on the wrong reasons.

I just hope that everything's on the right track.
I hope you could say "Yes" when I ask "Are you happy?"
But if you're not happy, tell me why. Let it all out.
Because you know I will always be there for you to listen.
And you can't lie to me, darling.
You can't lie to me.



Lebaran sebentar lagi :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

(Not) Everyone Want to Look Young

Aah, finally a weekend! This week feels like a very long week. But I loovee it. As I said before, I finally got a part-time job, at Michel's Patisserie, a cake and coffee shop. It's been fun working there, I don't feel tired and bored even though I'd been working for 30+ hours this week. Cakes have always been my passion and working with it everyday just makes me feel like finding my soulmate. Haha lebay.

Yeah anyway. I have to tell you one little fact that keeps bugging me: Am 21 but I look like 16. It didn't really bother me at the first place. But now that I try to be noticed as a woman, the way I look starts to be a burden for me. Why do I look so young? Is it because I'm tiny? Or the way I dress? Or my attitude?

Well, maybe I should start smoking or drinking alcohol, and take a 4-hour sleep everyday to create an eye-bag and dark circle around my eyes. Should I?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

How Are You?

It's been a long time since the last time I posted my daily-life. Not much updates, except that I got a part time job. Yippie! Alhamdulilllah I finally have something to do during the day. This new workplace is really nice. The people are ah-ma-zziing, the tasks is not stressfull at all, the place was clean, and I don't required to do the cleaning or any other dirty stuff. Its fun!

By the way, I've just came to realize that Afgan got a great voice. Haha. I hate to admit it, but he really sounds like native singer when he sing You Give Me Something and Ordinary People. Just listen to the way he sing it and don't look at his face, because his voice sounds like a 'real man', while in reality he's just too... cute. Sorry.. Hehe.

I'm sleepy now. I woke up at 5.45am this morning to start working at 7. And it's all worth it :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Another Award

I pass on the award to... you guys :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Heyho Let's Go.

Sekarang udah nggak mellow lagi dong. Jadi hari jumat malem itu kita surprisin Teguh, ulang thn dia yang ke 23 apa 24 gitu (lupa). Surprisin nya di rumah Rina. Abis itu hari Sabtunya diajak Wendy jalan2 ke city :)

Akhirnya boy, setelah sekian lama nggak jalan-jalan... Seneng bener rasanya bisa liat Dotti, Basement, dan beli bubble tea *norak*. Kebetulan gw lagi nggak puasa. Pulang dari city, gw cepet2 masak (sambil maksa2 Wendy ntn Cloverfield) buat buka puasa sore nya. Gw bikin Brocoli Saus Jamur, hehe katanya sih enak.. Jadi acara buka puasanya itu diadain sama The Muchos Nachos, di Hillview Terrace. Abis masak, cepet2 mandi, jam 5.45 dijemput superboii, langsung capcuuss.

Lumayan sih seru juga banyak yang dateng, walaupun nggak semuanya gw kenal. Eeh terus ketemu Windy disana. Hahaha. Gw sempet message2an dan sms-an soalnya dia waktu itu nanya2 sekolah di Perth gimana dll, tp blm pernah ketemu langsung. Taunya kemaren malah nggak disengaja kenalan disana.

Hari minggu gw pun nggak kemana2. Ke chemist bentar deng beli pem****t, trus jajan chiki di toko korea. Malemnya superboii dateng, seperti biasa DVD night. Lalu hari ini gw sama Wendy ke Career Fair di Curtin. Nggak ada apa2 disana. Tempatnya kecil, company2 nya dikit banget dan hampir semuanya (98%) perusahaan oil, gas, mining, hospital. Accounting cuma ada 1. Sales and Marketing hampir nggak ada sama sekali. Adanya cuma recruitment agent aja yang nyari Marketing graduate.

Gw sama Wendy nggak lama sih disitu, cuma 15 menitan lah. Abis itu kita ke main cafe, janjian lunch sama Adi. End up nya cuma gw doang yang makan sih. Beli salmon sushi sama wedges with gravy. Asin banget boy gravy nya! Wendy udh makan duluan di tmpt kerja, Adi udh makan duluan sebelom kelas. Trus kita bergosip lah yaa.. Haa kangen banget deh. Udah lama nggak ngobrol seru2an gitu.

Curtin sepi banget. Gw sama Wendy sampe kaget. Baru beberapa bulan kita lulus, kok perubahannya udh banyak banget. Bukan perubahan dalam hal fasilitas baru lho. Tapi perubahan students nya. Kayaknya sekarang ini berkurang sekitar 40% deh. Trus semuanya tampang2 first year gitu, apa hari ini anak2 2nd year nya pada sibuk assignment ya? Pokonya uni tadi serasa highschool lah..

Nanti malem Ayu mau nginep sini. Sebelum tidur sih rencananya kita mau maraton ntn Gossip Girl Season 1 dulu. Hehe. Lalu besok kita mau drop2 resume di city. Sekalian ke immigration, mau nanya soal Bridging Visa gw yang nggak jelas nasibnya. Intinya beberapa hari ini gw happy lah, udah nggak kesepian lagi :D

Friday, September 12, 2008


Udah 3 minggu gw begini terus. Mostly di rumah nggak ngapa2in selain nyari kerja lewat internet. Minggu lalu masih mending. Gw masih sempet buka puasa bareng Gandes, Velly, Fyke. Trus sempet latenite juga. Minggu ini bener-bener gw seharian di kamar terus. Kecuali kalo buka puasa baru ke dapur. Rekreasi gw cuma ke Woolworths.

Sebenernya masalah utamanya bukan urusan nggak dapet2 kerja. Masalahnya gw kesepian banget. Dunia gw isinya cuma di dlm kamar ditemenin laptop. Sekalinya pergi, ke Woolworths. Dan dapur. Gw bener-bener stress banget rasanya. Bahkan temen ngobrol dan bercanda pun gw nggak punya.. Sumpah, hidup kayak gini rasanya nggak enak banget.

Pengen for good aja balik indo.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday.

Arya Adinda (12 September 1988)

Happy birthday, my dearly brother!
It's your 20th birthday. I wish that all your dreams come true,
May your day be filled with joy.

May you continue to be a loving brother and an obedient child to our parents, and continue to appreciate everything that comes your way.

Sorry we can't be there to celebrate it with you like the old days.
But surely we (me, mam and pap) pray for your happiness, your health, and your prosperous future. I love you !

Today's Quote.

"Aku minta pada Allah setangkai bunga segar, Ia beri aku kaktus berduri. Aku minta pada Allah binatang mungil nan cantik, Ia beri aku ulat berbulu. Aku sedih, protes dan kecewa... Betapa tidak adilnya ini... Namun kemudian, kaktus itu berbunga indah, bahkan sangat indah. Dan ulat itupun tumbuh menjadi kupu-kupu yang amat cantik. Itulah jalan Allah, indah pada waktunya :)

Allah tidak memberi apa yang kita harapkan, tapi Ia memberi apa yang kita perlukan. Kadang kita sedih, kecewa, terluka, tapi jauh di atas segalanya, Ia sedang merajut yang terbaik untuk kehidupan kita. Allahu Akbar, semoga kita termasuk dalam golongan orang-orang yang pandai bersyukur atas karunia dan nikmat Allah, Amin..."

- unknown -

Monday, September 8, 2008

Introducing, My Baby Girl.

Facebook came out with this addictively cute application called "Make A Baby", where you can create your imaginary (or virtual?).... baby. I gave it a try, created a baby girl called Aisya Nabella. Happy, cute, chubby, and smiley she is.

This game reminds me of Tamagochi. Remember the thrill you felt when you heard your little-egg-shaped-gadget beeping? It's either your time to feed it, or clean up its poopy, or bring it to the vet when it got sick. Make A Baby is not far different from that, except that you have to go online to see your baby, and there's no alert like beeping sound that Tamagochi had.

What I do with my Baby Aisya is breast-feed her, take her to a walk on a stroller, change her diaper, shop for her clothing, baby food, and her entertainment like taking her to a circus show or kids cruise, etc etc. Its fun, really ! I think I already have a mother instinct growing inside me!

And well, maybe its weird, but I feel like I'm bonding with my baby and I really really LOVE her. Haha. Am I being insane or what, I don't know. I check on her like 4 times a day, change her outfit everyday, and become worried when I see her health rate drops. I'm starting to understand her personality too. She prefers to go to a kids' gym class than to a circus show. She hates hot cocoa and herbal tea, but loves veggie puree. Her favourite sncak is mango sliced.. Aaw I miss her already!

Seriously, I need to have a real baby soon :P

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Lesson to Learn

I browsed into Indonesia Anonymous blog and found this breathtaking story about how unpredictable our life is, and how a single motto can change one's life. So please, spare your time to read this good story. Enjoy :)

Life Sentence

We had lunch appointment the other day, with a friend of a friend. And because the restaurant was at his building, we dropped by at his office. He gave us a little tour around the office and gave us a brief story of the company he owns. A medium sized business, quite successful. It does not make him a billionaire, but he certainly is comfortable. And very proud.

At one point, one man popped by and told us that he couldn't join the lunch. Something came up, he said. Apologized and left.
"My finance director," said our businessman friend. " A good man. A good friend too"
As the finance director left, he added:
"We used to compete, him and me. A tough one too."

"What? your finance director used to be your competitor?"

"Yes. A long time ago. We came from the same town, you see. Same high school. Both had no money to go to college, so we both started our own business. Obviously with so much similar background, we started a similar business. So we compete. Fiercely too, at times. Don't get me wrong. He's one of my best friend in high school. But when it comes to business, we compete each other like hell."

"And now he works for you? How did that happen?"

"I don't know really. He's always been very careful. Very prudent. I always thought he's better than me. You know, with him everything is so organized. Well-planned. Calculated. Compared to him I was such a mess. But somehow his business was not doing so well. In the end he got tired of it and offered me to buy it from him. So I did, and I asked him to join me in my company. Help me out with the finance side. He's good at that."

He continued:
"This is business, you see, and in business you can't plan everything. For me, as long as the plan meets my basic calculation, I would just go for it. He on the other hand, would wait until he can know more.
He's motto was always 'good things happen to those who wait'...

"Do you think that's a bad motto?"

"No, I don't. It's a good motto. I just don't think the sentence should stop there. I think the complete sentence should be:
good things happen to those who wait, and better things happen to those who act. "
Apparently, one additional sentence can really set your life apart from being an employee or an owner of a company.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Dessert Curse.

Lately. Everytime I try to make my own dessert, it always came out to be something yuck. The sago was scorched, and the oreo pudding was not firm enough to be called 'pudding'. It came out to be an oreo custard, which I don't really like.

I would rather bake muffin than put my hands again on a pan with intention to make any kind of dessert.


Hari ini, gw + wendy + mendi bekerja keras bersihin halaman depan dan belakang. Di carport bok, daun2 kering banyak banget sampe full satu kantong plastik sampah.. Ckkckck. Lalu kita pindah ke belakang. Cabut2in taneman liar. Banyuaakknyaaa minta ampun yaaa.. Udah gitu daun2 kering dan pasir2 debu nya jg banyak banget. Buat halaman belakang aja perlu 5 kantong plastik sampah buat nampung semuanyaa oh em gee.

Habis itu gw bikin pudding oreo. Tp kayaknya gagal deh. Kemaren kan gw dapet ager2 bening. Jadinya gw pake pudding instant gitu. Karena ga yakin, gw tambahin gelatin. Haha ngaco banget langsung masuk2in aja ga pake takaran.

Sekarang udh jam 4. Buka puasa masih 2 jam lagi. Mudah2an nanti puddingnya enak buat bukaan :) Oh ya nanti mlm mau makan sm superboii. Tapi blm tau dimana sih... Sekarang gw kedinginan di dalem kamar. Haha. Ya. Postingan kali ini memang sangat random ya.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

3:15 am

Just finished my sahur.. My tummy is full of creamy potato (yes, I eat creamy potato in 4 days in a row. and i still have one slice left for tomorrow), satay chicken, and 3 full-glass of water. I texted my bf goodnite, but now I can't sleep because I'm too full :P

By the way, I'm not that mellow anymore. You know, about my jobless condition. As I re-read my previous post, I realized that I may have been too afraid about my situation, in most annoyingly kind a way. And that's just so not me.

Although I don't know where my mind is travelling, I can feel myself attached. One well-connected cell in the greater organism of a perfect world, and it all work the way it should. If you feel the same about yourself, then good on you. We should be thankful for that.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Begini deh jadinya kalo nganggur. Nge-post blog teruss.. Gw udh hampir gila rasanya. Nggak ada kerjaan, nggak ada temen, sepi banget rasanya. Temen gw cuma laptop :(

Pertama, soal kerjaan. Kerja full-time jelas belom dapet. Tiap hari gw apply lho padahal. Kerjaan part-time pun blm dapet. Ini juga hampir tiap hari gw apply. Dan parahnya lagi, gw nggak tau sampe kapan begini terus. Kapan gw dapet kerja. Alhasil, gw jadi males keluar rumah selain untuk belanja groceries. Pikiran gw, udh nggak kerja, masa' mau foya2 shopping dan segala macemnya.. Lagian mau keluar jalan-jalan sm siapa coba. Phuh.

Kedua, kesepian. Superboii udh sibuk dengan kuliahnya. Housemate2 pada sibuk dengan kerjaan masing2. Yang lain? Mendi tiap hari ngantor. Adi juga msh sibuk kuliah. Sedih ya circle of friends gw gak berkembang. Itu2 aja. Sekalinya lagi pada sibuk, ya gw kesepian gini deh.

Gw sampe mencari-cari kegiatan gitu. Kemaren ini hampir tiap hari bikin muffin. Sampe orang satu rumah udh pada eneg kali liatnya. Haha. Trus akhirnya gw mikir, apply driving license aja kali ya mumpunag nggak ngapa2in ini. At least ada yang gw pelajarin dan gw baca lah tiap hari nya. Lalu gw mulai baca buku "Drive Safe - A Handbook for Western Australian Road Users". Biar asik, nanti gw mau baca bukunya di taman. Hehe. Sendirian aja tapi :(

Terus, gw juga pengen edit2 photo dong ya. Eeeh cd photoshop bajakan gw gabisa di install. Mau download yang trial juga entah kenapa ga bisa-bisa. Mau minta tolong Adi installin photoshop dia, msh blm ketemu juga waktu yang pas karena dia sibuk.

Ini rasanya gw lagi ada di downside of my life ya (exaggerated, hehe). Sumpah deh. Baru juga 3 hari terkurung di dalem rumah. Rasanya udah yang boseeeeeennnnnnnn banget-nget. Ya gw tau sih yang bisa mecahin masalahnya cuma gw sendiri. Either nyari2 kesibukan, atau nyoba menikmati aja keadaan yang kayak gini. Siapa tau kl gw udh dpt kerja nanti nggak bisa santai2 kayak gini lagi kan. Tapi tetep, gw depresi.

Sekian curhat dari saya.

The Wedding of My Dream.

Inspired by Lunatic Principessa's 10 Things I Will Prepare for My Wedding Day.

1. The Groom. Must be the one who can act as both my lover, and my bestfriend.

2. The Venue. A medium grand ballroom, decorated with dominant colour of white and gold. I'm not into garden party when it comes to wedding reception.

3. Timing. Anytime, as long as all of our loved ones can attend the wedding reception. Even though I am a truly Javanese, I don't want to be bothered with Siraman or Pingitan tradition. All I want is Wedding Prayer (pengajian) and Midodareni Night which will be held on the day before the reception. The Wedding Matrimony (akad nikah) and the reception will be held on the same day =D

4. The Speech. Call me cheesy but I love this phrase below:

  • "Today, I marry my bestfriend. The one I have laughed with and cried with. The one I have chosen to support, encourage, and give myself to, through all the days given to us to share. Today I marry the one I love."
  • "Today, I will mary my bestfriend. The one I will always turn to. Confide and be strong. In my friend and my lover."
5. The Guests. Sure it would be the Harpers and Lawsons, and the bride's and groom's bestfriends from kindy to college. Also, the Subandrio family :)

6. The Song. TWO WORDS by Lea Salonga, for sure !

7. The Gown. A stunning traditional broken-white Kebaya. For the bridesmaids, it would be a soft-pink-coloured kebaya. Hey I want them to look good too.. :)

8. The Photographer. Merwin from Moreno & Co Photography.

9. The Food. Mix of Indian and European. And Fish and Chips, maybe? Hehe.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I've been tagged ! (by Neng Shesa)

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
Myself, my family, my friends.

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Oh I don't remember. I think it was heaps of Koko Black chocolates.

3) Where do you wish to get married?
Anywhere in Jakarta.

4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
24-25, hopefully :)

5) Are you in love?
sort of :)

6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Djimbaran. A romantic dinner with superboii.

7) Name the latest book that you bought?
Hardly Working, by Betsy Burke.

8) What is your full name?
Andita Vernada.

9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
Both of them, of course.

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Any new-born babies lah. Hehehe.

11) Christina or Britney?
Christina !

12) Do you do your own laundry?
Yes I do. Mandiri dong ya.

13) The most exciting place you want to go?
Disneyland, it is !

14) Hugs or kisses?
A warm and tight hug. x)

15)8 things I am passionate about:
1. Jobs.
2. Muffin !
3. My laptop.
4. My blog, FB, and Fashionesedaily Forum.
5. Ikea.
6. Fashion. (Clothing, handbag, shoes, etc)
7. Photography.
8. Melbourne.

16)8 things I say too often:
1. Seriusaaannn?
2. Yeeeee.
3. Hahahahahaaaa.
4. Asik.
5. Ya pokoknya gitu lah.
6. Argh shoot!
7. Kenapa gitu?
8. Ya ampuuunn.

17)8 books I've read recently:
1. Laskar Pelangi.
2. Hardly Working.
3. Learning How to Drive in WA.
4 - 8. Magazines ! hahaha..

18)8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1. Two Words - Lea Salonga.
2. I'm Yours - Jason Mraz.
3. For Good - Lea Salonga.
4. Dia Milikku - Yovie & Nuno.
5. Bottle it Up - Sara Bareilles.
6. Let's Fall in Love - John Stevens.
7 - 8. None.

19)8 things I learned last year:
1. To really LET GO off a real bestfriend.
2. Not to give 100% of my heart to my other-half.
3. Life is short. So I try to make the most of it.
4. Dad is not as difficult as I thought he was.
5. How to bake muffin :)
6. Karma. Really. Does. Exist.
7. How to blog.
8. Errrrhhhhh....

20) Tag 8 people :
1. Wendy Lumanau.
2. Maya Djoekardi.
3. DwD.
4. Aulia Red Rule.
5. Amanda Aprilanie.
6. Meika Meisya.
7. Adi Hariya.
8. Marisca.