Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sex and the City.

Oh I loovveee this movie! It turned out to be so much better then I expected. The movie comes with a twist, full of surprises, full of gorgeous dresses (especially Carrie's wedding dress by Viviane Westwood) and shoes! But of course when you watch this, you'll learn something more than just fancy dresses and Manolo Blahnik. You'll get to see the true meaning of friendship and companionship, because after all, it's all that matters.

I'm not really into the series though. I watched it once or twice, but never been able to collect the complete seasons. Honestly I didn't really like Carrie Bradshaw's because she was always appear to be over-dressed. Hehe. I guess I like her now. She got a lovely personality, great sense of humour, smart, friendly.. Appearence wise, she's not that pretty. But her outstanding personality had successfully bring her to Mr.Big. Hahaha..

Rating: *****


DwD said...

i love the movie too!

Auliannisa said...

waaaah.. udah pada nonton nih.. jadi iri.. huhuhu

Meika Iqbal said...

i watch the series that's why i'm so excited to watch this movie..
tapi sayangnya di sini masih midnite dit...:'(

Andita Vernada said...

aulia & meisya.. sabar, sabar.. hehe pokoknya ini bener2 tipe film yg bakalan ditonton berkali2 deh! gw aja masih mau nonton lagi, hihi..