Friday, June 20, 2008

(Not So) Boring Jakarta - Part 2

(photo courtesy

Aaahhh.. My beloved daddy's just bought me this incredible digital camera! I've been searching on the review for this one in the internet and found that its rated 83 out of 100, with a high rate for the "good value for money" description (according to this site). I'm so happyy.. My old camera is still in perfect condition, but the picture it produced isn't sharp enough and the resolution is quite low. Me love my new camera so much, thank you Daddy :)


missicality said...

why, you lucky girl! ayo dit jepret2 lalu edit2 lalu upload2 ;)

Meika Iqbal said...

waaaaaaaaaaaah, asik banget punya kamera baru keren pula..*jadi pengen nabung buat beli kamera baru lagi deh...

Amanda said...

wets gw akirnya bisa ikutan comment,,
apa kabar jakartaaa

DwD said...

me want that camera too!