Hahaha, just an hour ago, I felt really really bored and decided to bake some cookies. Even though I couldn't find brown sugar (which seemed to be the essential ingredient of cookies) in my kitchen, I still managed to give it a go by using my own version of substitute for brown sugar: icing mixture. Whuahahahaah.
And so I followed all the instruction carefully. Stiring, mixing, and finally I put the cookie dough on the tray, placed it inside the oven, and left it for 15 minutes because I had to rushed back to my exam materials. And when I came back to the kitchen, voilaaaaa... The 'cookies' I made unexpectedly came up to an unidentified food being (as in human being? hihi..). Its like mini scones, just with a softer texture... emmm, its more like a choc chip cupcake without the cup (??).
Anyway, it taste not bad. It didn't come up as cookies as I was expected, but at least its eatable. Heheheh.. I kinda like it though.. Nyamnyammm..
nampaknya lezat 'ndiit..:)
looks so yummy! looking at the picture makes me wanting famous amos cookies.
itu hanya trick camera naa.. ahahaha but it is yummyy ! yuk yuk sini cobain? hehehe.. but taste waaayy too different from famous amous cookies xP
hahahahah Diiit jadinya kayak cupcakes bener?? Maybe I should try that?
mir mirr.. setelah gw inget2 yaa.. kayaknya gw udh LUPA takaran2nya.. hahaha.. semua langsung gw masukin aja. mana gw jg ga punya timbangan.. jadi semua serba kira2 deh..
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