Monday, March 31, 2008

Jumbo Header.

Mwahahaha. Barusan gw ganti header, pake prakarya sendiri lho itu. Bikinnya manual tuh foto2nya di print dulu trus digunting dan ditempel2. Jadi yaa mohon dimaklumi kalo ancur minah.. Abisnya gw bosen sama header yg kemaren..

Tapi kenapa jumbo banget ya ukurannya? Gw ga ngerti cara ngecilinnya..
*Addiiiiiii.. hellppp..*

Hehehehehe =D

Random. Veerryyy randoomm.

Location: Abacus Lab 408.

Hari ini ujan bookk! Cukup mengagetkan secara kemaren2 tempratur disini berkisar antara 30an derajat. Tiba2 hari ini drop jadi cuma 23 ! yeayyyy.. Dan karena daylight saving udh berakhir kemaren, jadi serasa bangunnya pagi deh hari ini. Gw tumben2 nya bagun jam 7.45. Stay di kasur sampe jam 10 sambil sms-an sama si superboii, trus baru turun ke dapur jam setengah 11.

Naaahhh, hari ini jam 4 sore ada group meeting PR. Gw sama Wendy udh dari siang tuh ribut2 pengen beli kopi dulu di Gloria Jeans. Jadilah sblm ke curtin, kita mampir ke Woolworths beli groceries dikit (beli macaroni segede gaban harganya cuma 85 cents loh!), trus ke Gloria Jeans. Gw sama wendy sama2 pesen regular flat white :)

Terus, seperti biasa gw melakukan hal aneh tanpa sadar. Bukannya masukin gula (yang sachet-an) ke dalem kopi, tuh gula malah gw tuang ke tong sampah. Begok banget.

Singkat cerita nih, gw sama wendy nyampe Abacus rada telat. Eeeh tiba2 kita liat penampakan org yg kita lumayan familiar. Entah kenapa pas ngeliat dia, gw rasanya pengen ngakak. Entah kenapa. Akhirnya gw tau kenapa.. Karena tuh orang bener2 100% mirip TUTUR TINULAR.

Mungkin ini ga lucu. Tapi kalo kalian liat sendiri orangnya, bener2 ga salah lagi deh kemiripannya dengan tutur tinular ga diragukan. Gw ngga ngerti kenapa rambutnya harus dikuncir tinggi2 di puncak kepala. Benar2 persis pendekar.. (??). Tapi gapapa, tu orang cukup menghibur kok disaat2 assignment party seperti sekarang ini =D

Yaudah deh yaa, back to my assignment. hehe. bye-bye everyone. Enjoy your dayy ::))

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Favorites on my playlist:

  • Someone to Save You (One Republic)
  • Especially for You (MYMP)
  • Baby, Its Fact (Hellogoodbye)
  • Stop and Stare (One Republic)
  • Cosy in the Rocket (PSAPP)
  • Like A Star (Corrine Bailey Rae)
Puts Me to Sleep:
  • the all time favorite: Lets Fall in Love (John Stevens ft Erika Christensen)
  • Everything (Michael Buble)
  • A Thousand Tales (Afternoon Accidental)
  • My Heart is Full (Yukie Nishimura)
  • Miss You (MYMP)
  • It Had to be You (John Stevens)
  • Caught Up in Your Love (Ari Hest)


This blog's layout is currently under construction.
Thx to Mr Adi Hariya for his generous help ;)

Btw, I had a wonderful day today. Had lunch at Sizzler with Jon the birthday boy, Wendy, Adi, Odri, Eveline, Mandy, Gavin, and some of Jon's cousins. Sizzler has this tasty-yummy-huge sized of Seafood Platter Supreme, which I adore and combine it with the creamy-buttery mashed potato just simply make it unbeatable ! Hahaha..

I really ate too much. I had a plate of salad, almost a full plate of fish, prawn and squid, a glass of soda, and a cup of warm white chocolate cake topped with chocolate ice cream. Nyum! And I think my tummy will remain full until... days after tomorrow! Hehehehe..

Thank you for the lunch, Jon!! We wish you a happy birthday and bright future :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Maroon 5 !

Maroon 5 Live Concert

Burswood Dome

Friday, March 28, 2008
7 pm - 10.15 pm

Opening Act:
One Republic (!!)
Brandi Carlile

Me, Dede, Faizul, Haziq, Jerz + thousands of others
(section 33 row W 1-5) -

Personal Comments:
- Brandi Carlile nya kurang menarik. Tapi ada 2 lagunya dia yang lumayan familiar dan gw lumayan suka, jadi oke lah ya..
- One Republic nya kereeennnn bangettttt.. Apalagi pas mereka nyanyi Apologize sama
Stop and Stare (emang cuma itu sih yg gw tau.. hehe).
- Maroon 5 sih gausah ditanya. Ini favorite gw dan gw tau semua lagunya (walaupun kadang2 cuma tau ref nya doang), jadi gw bener2 bisa menikmati deh. Hebaattttt.. Adam Levine nya oh my God, he is soooooo damn cooolllllll !
- Sekali lagi, Adam Levine kereeennn buangettt. Hahahah..
- Efek2 panggung nya terlalu biasa aja menurut gw. Screen yang di samping kiri-kanan panggung juga kurang gede.. Tapi cukup keliatan sih dari tmpt gw duduk yang hampir di paling belakang (hehe..).
- Chips nya enaakkkk! Mirip2 chips nya Jester's! (maap out of topic, i just couldn't stop eating those crunchy chips).
- Maroon 5 cuma tampil sekitar 1 jam 15 menit :(
kenapa oh kenapa...

Overall, gw sukaaaaaa bangetttt. Hehehe this is my very first concert in Perth, by the way.

*Coming Soon Matchbox Twenty 15 April*

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Like A Star

Just like a star across my sky
Just like an angle off the page
You have appeared to my life
Feel like I'll never be the same
Just like a song in my heart
Just like oil on my hand
Honor to love you

Still I wonder why it is,
I don't argue like this with anyone but you
We do it all the time,
Blowing out my mind

You got this look I can't describe
You make me feel I'm alive
When everything is so au fait
Without a doubt you're on my side
Heaven has been away too long
Can't find the words to write this song for your love

Still I wonder why it is
I don't argue like this, with anyone but you
I wonder why it is,
I won't let my guard down
For anyone but you

-Corrine Bailey Rae_

me love love this song =D

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I guess I need to refresh this blog and re-arrange everything from colors to fonts, from photos to layout.

But hooowwwww? I'm not an expert in doing this kind of thing, soo... anyone can help, please let me know.

p.s Missicality? Will you?

Quote of the Day

When it comes to friendship, here's another idea to say sorry

I'm sorry. I'm not going to make any excuses, I'm just sorry.. We're friends, real friends.. I know you'll walk away and never look back. But I'm your friend, so whenever you'll look back, I'll still be here..

-Meredith Grey to George O'Malley-

Monday, March 17, 2008

What a relieve !

I finally quit my job! Hahaha.. Somehow i feel so relieved. I dont really like the job, soo.. Can you imagine, i have to wake up early at 6 in the morning, and got home at about 7 pm. What do I do the whole day? Standing in the shopping mall asking people to chip in something small just like a dollar a day for as long as they can, starts in five weeks time (yeah i memorized it !) to help victims of disaster around the world.

I dont mind doing that, really. If I had to wake up at 6 and got home at 7, but spend my whole day in the office with computer and a proper desk, I'd love to ! But this... *sigh*

The main problem is, the money's so not good. My pay was fully based on commission, so.. Yes you're right! If I didn't make any sales, then I would go home empty-handed (meaning: broke. haha!).

The people i worked with was incredibly helpful and friendly, though.. I think they're the right person to do this kind of thing, but I'm not. Plus, i found a clash between my job and my study. So at the 4th day working, I decided to quit. You might think "why so soon? Its been only 4 days..". Well, you have to feel it yourself then you'll understand how could I possibly came up to that decision, so quickly.. :)

Truth be told, I enjoyed my new daily routines: wake up early-meeting new people-make fun of people with Han-dressing up like a career lady-go home and cook dinner-have a long chit chat with my bf and housemates-go to sleep at 10. But its so not worth it.

As for now, I would really enjoy my jobless time. I can hang around wherever and whenever I want, and most importantly, I dont have to feel guilty for annoying people in the shopping malls. I know I annoyed them, really. Hahaha..

I'm just not the right person for this job, I guess. But I'm happy for the experience I got from there, and not regretting any of those: applying for the job and/or decided to quit.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Bored bored boredd.. :(

Sebenarnya nggak bosen2 amat sih yaa.. Gw menikmati kok moment2 di rumah sendirian kayak gini, bisa jungkir balik seenanknya. Hehe. Apalagi dari kemaren emang udh seharian pergi, rasanya enak banget bisa santai2 seharian gini..

Udah 3-4 hari si superboii gabisa kesini. Tadinya sore ini mau ke rumah, eeh karena sesuatu hal jadi batal. Tadinya juga rencana besok mau nyamperin gw kerja, tapi ternyata gajadi juga. Ugh..

Eh gw baru inget, the week after next week udah study break !! Asiiikkk.. Trus jumatnya nonton Maroon 5 deh, yeayy !! Hummm, minggu2 yang menyenangkan... Dan jumat besok juga libur kerja dikarenakan Good Friday.

Oh ya, gw punya My Sunday To Do List buat hari ini:

  • Setrika baju - done!
  • Research Aljazeera - half done.
  • Research government Canada
  • Ngeprint timetable solat
  • Jemur baju - done
  • Makan siang - ya done lah, hehehe.
  • Bikin outline report PR.
Sekarang gw ngantuk, padahal tadi bangunnya siang. Anginnya enak banget sih di luar.. Yaudah, tidur siang dulu ah ya sodara2.. dudu..

Sunday, March 9, 2008

In Love..

Millpoint, March 9, 2008

Point Walter, March 1, 2008

I think those jellyfishes and black-swans are madly in love ;D

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yeah, Right.

You know what? I'm having a very bad flu right now :( But that doesn't stop me from enjoying ice cream and those super-cold drinks! Hihihi... Somehow it refresh my nose from those disgusting snot. Haha. Oke, ga penting. (Well, who cares? None of my posting here is penting anyway..).

I've been watching these youtube's videos on How To Create Sexy Hair:
Red Carpet hair by Johnny Lavoy
Create Sexy Supermodel Curls
Evening Look

I think the Evening Look one is worth a try, though I wouldn't make my hair too big like what they show on the video. Kay then, I'm off. Gotta go back to my novel (Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty).
See ya!

How to Save Energy at Home

Okay, here's some tips on saving energy at home:

  1. Set your fridge temp between 3-5 degrees C, and your freezer between -15 to -18 degrees C.
  2. Instead of using electric kettle to boil the water, use a traditional pan, and close the lid. It saves more time.
  3. Take a shower for approximately 4 minutes only ! (ini sih jorok yaaa.. mana bersih mandi 4 menit doang?).
  4. Avoid using hot water.
  5. Do not tumble dry your clothes.
I found those tips on Nuts & Bolts Going Green on Channel 7. Hope it helps you to reduce the world's energy consumption. Lets go green!