Wednesday, June 25, 2008

(Not So) Boring Jakarta - Part 3

I spent the whole afternoon at Plaza Senayan with Maya. We started the 'tour' with browsing some good-quality books at Kinokuniya Bookstore (I end-up with purchasing Hardly Working - somekind of chicklit), and finally sit together at Starbucks just to have a little chit-chat and a sip of coffee. Oooo, I miss Starbucks! The Hazelnut Latte was awesome and I just couldn't get enough of it! Hehehe.. Anyway, this what-so-called 'little chit-chat' lasted for almost 2 hours! Girls oh girls..

We're also walking around the mall just to check out what was on sale at Metro, Sogo and Mango. Not much. I got a cute green blouse from Mango, but was failed to get a plain-white-tee for Wendy. Instead, I could only see plain tees in cream, shocking pink, and shocking yellow! Uh-oh.. Big no-no.

Finally I decided to go home, and as usual, the traffic was terrible. When I got home, daddy was ready with indonesian satay that had been modified into an African Lamb Satay. Hahaha. He asked our maid to took off the satay sticks and mix the meat with onion, salt and garlic on a hot pan. Not bad. Taste good. Ooh I'm stuffed nooww :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What Women Do for the Sake of "Beauty"

Goossshhhh. Apparently being a "real" woman is not easy. There are times when we don't care about how we look, and people will go "iih, jadi cewe kok gitu. nggak ngurus diri amat sih..". However, when we're really in the mood of taking care of ourselves and try hard to look good (when I say "look good", that means "do everything to look like Gisele Bundchen".. hehe, kidding..), AND we don't mind to be hurt a bit (waxing our legs, plucking the eye-brows, facial, scrubbing..), THE GUYS WON'T EVEN NOTICE!

Even when I put on some make up, my boyfriend gave me this funny look and asked silly questions like "what did you do to your cheek that makes it look very RED?" or "why did it take hours for you to put those (makeup) thing on? you look weird, honey..", and ended the night with "for next time we go out, you don't have to wear makeup, ok? pleaaseee.."

And trust me, I really didn't put too much make-up on!


So I was thinking, what's the point of doing all of these? But I'm kinda addicted with waxing my legs now, and plucking the eye-brows, hihi. Afterall, I guess we girls do these thing to other girls, instead of to attract the guys.

Friday, June 20, 2008

(Not So) Boring Jakarta - Part 2

(photo courtesy

Aaahhh.. My beloved daddy's just bought me this incredible digital camera! I've been searching on the review for this one in the internet and found that its rated 83 out of 100, with a high rate for the "good value for money" description (according to this site). I'm so happyy.. My old camera is still in perfect condition, but the picture it produced isn't sharp enough and the resolution is quite low. Me love my new camera so much, thank you Daddy :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Boring Jakarta - Part 1

I woke up waaayy too late this morning. Hehe. And that makes me feel dizzy all day. Bah.. Since yesterday, I just stay home. I planned to bake some cookies yesterday, but too bad the electricity went off from 9am to 5.30pm. The government endeavour to reduce the electricity consumption by turning off the electricity in different areas every day, my father said. So the only thing I could do was reading the magazines and newspaper *under the sunlight*, eating my lunch, and sleeping !

And last night I told mum that I was planning to go to Plaza Senayan by myself today, just to spend my morning in my favourite Kinokuniya bookstore and have a sip of coffee at Starbucks. But then when I woke up in the morning, I felt a lot more interested in baking cookies than going out. Sooo yeah I just stay home and letting our chauffeur go to drive my mum to an arisan. Hiks. What a totally wrong decision I had made :( Now I feel bored to death, and really really want to go ouuuttttt (which is impossible without my chauffeur around).

So what do I do noowww?? I dont wanna take a nap. All I can do is just watching those boring infotainment... Well at least the internet connection at home has been pretty good these days, so I can spill out my boredness in here :P

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sex And The City - Part 2

Hehe, masih pengen ngebahas SATC nih. Kemaren gw baru beli cd soundtracknya, dan lagu kesukaan gw adalah Auld Lang Syne! Selain lagunya bagus, gw kl denger itu juga langsung inget adegan pas Carrie bela2in malem2 ke apt Miranda yg jauh, cuma buat ngerayain New Years Eve bareng. Ceritanya Miranda lagi sendirian di mlm thn baru, dan dia lg butuh temen ngobrol maka ditelfonlah si Carrie. Padahal Carrie nya udh tidur, tp dia ngerti banget kl Miranda lg butuh temen. Akhirnya dia gajadi tidur, dengan piyama dan coat, dia naek taksi ke apt Miranda.

Somehow adegan itu bikin gw terharu. I burst into tears when I watched this scene. Kayaknya disitu ditunjukin banget arti persahabatan :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Just Few More Updates :)

  • Udah tiba di Jakarta dengan selamat (tadi malem, tepat jam 24.00 WIB), Alhamdulillah..
  • Hari ini cuma nemenin mamah-papah ke bank, trus makan di Duck King (kesukaankuu..). Lanjut jalan2 (nggak pake belanja loh..), trus duduk ngopi di Regal sampe berjam2, liatin orang lewat dan sambil baca majalah. Abis itu pulang. Menyenangkan :)
  • Pulang, mandi, online.
  • Besok mau facial, hihi.

Oh iya. Rencana gw mau nyetir sendiri disini gagal total. Nggak dibolehin sama bokap. Sebel. Mama bilang "nak, kayaknya satu2nya cara supaya km bisa nyetir disini cuma satu deh: cepet2 nikah jadi km minta ijinnya sama suami km bukan sama papah..". Mwahahahahah..

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sex and the City.

Oh I loovveee this movie! It turned out to be so much better then I expected. The movie comes with a twist, full of surprises, full of gorgeous dresses (especially Carrie's wedding dress by Viviane Westwood) and shoes! But of course when you watch this, you'll learn something more than just fancy dresses and Manolo Blahnik. You'll get to see the true meaning of friendship and companionship, because after all, it's all that matters.

I'm not really into the series though. I watched it once or twice, but never been able to collect the complete seasons. Honestly I didn't really like Carrie Bradshaw's because she was always appear to be over-dressed. Hehe. I guess I like her now. She got a lovely personality, great sense of humour, smart, friendly.. Appearence wise, she's not that pretty. But her outstanding personality had successfully bring her to Mr.Big. Hahaha..

Rating: *****

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Finished all My Paper!

Actually I only have one exam, hahahaha.. Legaaaa banget rasanya udh selesaii ya ampuunnn.. Langsuung abis exam gw sama wendy ke Carousel jalan2 dan ngopi2.. Hihihihi.. Seneng deehh.. Hidup gw kemaren tersiksa banget pas lg belajar exam, sekarang rasanya sampe bingung mau ngapain saking banyaknya waktu luang.. ihihihi..

Tinggal 4 hari lagi gw di Perth.. Minggu I'll be off to Jakarta! Not for good, no-no.. Be back on July 13th.. Yeehaaaaaaa...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

(Not) Cookies.

Hahaha, just an hour ago, I felt really really bored and decided to bake some cookies. Even though I couldn't find brown sugar (which seemed to be the essential ingredient of cookies) in my kitchen, I still managed to give it a go by using my own version of substitute for brown sugar: icing mixture. Whuahahahaah.

And so I followed all the instruction carefully. Stiring, mixing, and finally I put the cookie dough on the tray, placed it inside the oven, and left it for 15 minutes because I had to rushed back to my exam materials. And when I came back to the kitchen, voilaaaaa... The 'cookies' I made unexpectedly came up to an unidentified food being (as in human being? hihi..). Its like mini scones, just with a softer texture... emmm, its more like a choc chip cupcake without the cup (??).

Anyway, it taste not bad. It didn't come up as cookies as I was expected, but at least its eatable. Heheheh.. I kinda like it though.. Nyamnyammm..

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm gonna make a good housewife, I hope :P

Eheeyyyy.. I'm busy with my exam preparation now.. Hihihi.. Not so busy though, I'm just summarizing all the lecture notes and try to memorize it bits by bits.

Oh by the way, I'm in love with Karen Cheng's blog now.. She's just BRILIANT. The more I read her blog, the more I realize that marriage and motherhood are the most amazing things that ever happened to a woman! I wanna grow gracefully like you, Karen :)

She can always find something funny and interesting from her daily routines as a yummy mommy. Watching her 3 cute little boys grow before her eyes, experimenting with foods, checking out local markets and do creative things with her little boys make me think "wow, being a housewife is super cool.. I'm going to find a good husband, and start my own family as soon as possible!" haha.. kidding..

You go, Karen !

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Need Mommy.


I'm not feeling so good, its my third period day and my mood swings like a roller coaster. I really have to start summarising my lect notes right now, but really, I lost my interest in it, let alone try to answer the last semester exam papers.

Sorry, I don't mean to whinning over my period, but not only I lost my interest in everything (exam-related), I also experiencing this period pain, my stomach hurts and I got cramps on my hip. My period doesn't normally hurt so much like this, so what's happening to meee? Hikhikk. If only I could have someone to make me a cup of tea, and put a warm bottle on my tummy.. I need mommyyy.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Annual General Meeting.

Hehehe, we had a Business Capstone group presentation this morning, I was soo nervous I couldn't even understand what my speech was about. Hihi. So here are the Board of Directors of Erie Ltd (left-right): Mr. Nirav Solanki (Chief Financial Officer), Ms. Wendy Lumanau (Chief HR Officer), Ms. Andita Sugiatno (Marketing Director), Mr. James Lee (CEO), Ms. Shuyan Liu (Chief Technical Officer), amd Mr. Donny Zhao (Chief of Production).

It's been a pleasure working with these guys :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Introducing Ryan..

Here's Ryan, one of my bestfriends back in highschool :)
He really is a girls' bestfriend, with his funny thought and attitude, he's like the goofy around us. I'm happy to see him *through webcam* again after 3 years, and apparently we haven't changed much. He looked more or less like this, when he was in highschool. And I guess I still look the same too.. He stays in Bali now, working with one of the best hotel in there.
Me miss youu yaaannnn...

Sunday, June 1, 2008


J, all i want is to see you happy. I wanted to see you happy here on earth, but you've gone to an even better place.. You are surely an angel to me and to many other people,
and the only thing we hope to happen to our angel is 'happiness'


Iseng2 tadi gw googled Curtin Uni, eeh tiba2 ada link ke yahoo forum, which discussed about a HK girl who found dead in uni at 2-3 am. Jadi inget lagi deh.. The tragedy happened in 16th of November 2006, in the exam week I think. I was terrified when I heard the news, especially because the cause of her death remained mystery; whether she committed suicide by jumping off the building or she was attacked and assaulted while walking alone before met her death.

She was a CIC student, and I felt terrible because she was an international student, like me. Means that she didn't have her family around here, and I couldn't imagine how shocked her parents were when they heard the news. So sad, isn't it?

Few days after the tragedy, curtin uni held a memorial service for her. Curtin, however, never revealed her name or photograph, in respect to the family's privacy. I came to see the scene (which was still got the police line), and found many bouquet from her friends and curtin uni itslef. Apparently the flowers were put there to cover-up the blood mark on the paving. I didn't know if its just me, but I could feel something in there, i was shivered. Huaaaaaa.. Serem serem..

I hope she rest in peace.

*btw, ini iseng abis gw sempet2nya nulis beginian.. mau bikin presentasi capstone, capsim nya gabisa kebuka nihh.. lamaaa..*