Barusan gw mikir2, bulan depan balik ke Jakarta kira2 sebulan, rencananya mau ngapain aja ya? Dan tiba2 keinget di agenda gw udh ditulis tgl 29 Nov mau ziarah ke makam nya Jare.. Harusnya hari itu adalah ulang tahun dia yg ke 20.
Otomatis pikiran gw jadi nge flash back ke saat2 dulu kita selalu sama2 pas sekolah. Kangen.. Gw salut banget sama dia, she's one of the perfect ppl i've ever met (and actually made friends with). She got the look, she got the brain, and she got the heart.. Yet she's keeping down to earth and amazingly humble. Salute! She's just so perfect, the kind of best-friend that every girl has ever wanted. I envy her for everything she has.
I know she's doing well now. Tapi gw masih berharap banget utk bisa ketemu dia lima meniitt aja, nggak perlu ketemu langsung, bisa ketemu di mimpi aja gw udh seneng banget. Tapi smp saat ini gw blm pernah mimpi ketemu dia.. Pernah sekali sih, malem pertama gw denger kabar dia udh nggak ada.. Malem itu gw tidur dengan banyak tissue bertebaran di sekitar gw, soalnya gw nangis terus seharian.
Di mimpi itu, gw yg lagi tidur tiba2 kebangun dan ngeliat Jare lagi duduk di deket gw, lg posisi nyamping gitu ngeliat ke jendela. Ekspresi datar, nggak senyum, nggak bete juga. Dan dia sambil makan risol (??), pake baju putih, rambutnya digerai. Trus gw yg tadinya posisi tidur langsung duduk bersila di sebelah dia. Gw cuma nanya "Jar.. lo kenapa? lo nggak papa kan?". Gw inget bgt gw nanya itu karena saat itu masih blm jelas sebab kematiannya apa. Sambil ngunyah risol, dan masih posisi ngeliat ke jendela, dia cuma bilang "gw kaget ta..". Abis itu gw peluk dia. Udah, mimpi selesai.
Oh God. She's not even 20 yet. She's a girl who's very passionate about life, adventure, and whatever life may offer her. Dia selalu semangat, selalu excited. Pernah lho kita ujan2 pergi berdua naik busway muter2 dan foto2. hihiiii.. lucu bgt kl inget itu. Bener2 ABG abis rasanya. Jaree. Come and see me pleasee.. I just wanna see you happy and rest in peace. I just want to tell you how much I missed you, how I want to turn back time, if only i could, just to say a proper goodbye. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you were sick. I'm sorry I wasn't always there when you needed me. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to reply your letter. I'm sorry if I ever hurt your feelings.
I miss you. Desperately.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Me missing her.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Assignment Seru.
Hari ini submit assignment seru banget. Ada sedikit konflik juga sama group mate gw, hehehe.. Intinya, ternyata kerja satu group sama bule itu nggak selamanya jadi lebih beres. Cara bikin reference list aja dia gatau.. Format report juga ancur2an kayak anak es-em-ep bikin karya tulis. ampun deh..
Lagi ngidam macem2 nih:
- ayam bakar mas mono tebet.
- kepiting-nya resto seafood di ancol *lupa namanya*
- es kopyor.
- puding mama.
- donat kentang.
- asinan abang2 yg pake krupuk kuning.
- ayam mbok berek.
- pizza hut.
- ketoprak tanpa bawang putih.
- ice cream nya de Boliva surabaya.
- baso tok tok.
- mi berdikari tebet.
- sate ayam.
- roti bantal.
- roti tawar yg empuk banget.
- kepiting kenari.
- duck king.
- tiba2 pengen Hartz Chicken.
rasanya aku mau pulang. sebulan itu pas banget deh. nggak kelamaan nggak kecepetan juga. yes.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

photo courtesy of, by Fashionistas888
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Three More !
Huaaahh. I finally can have a spare time to start blogging again! Its been... errr... a week? Well I've been quite bussy lately, doing heaps of assignments. Even 2 days ago, I spent 7 hours straight in Abacus lab having 2 meetings ! S-E-V-E-N hours straight without break! I guess I was going to faint when I got home.. And this morning I was having a final meeting for mor than 4 hours. Puhleeeessseee...
Anyway, not much updates for now. Dede finally hooking up with 3 mobile, so we can make many-many phone calls for FREE, yay ! Though it really bothers him that it turned out to take more than 48 hours to activate the number.. *sigh*. Ooh and we watched The Kingdom last nite. It was veerrryyyy good, though its content is full of violence.. But overall its a good movie with an unpredictable ending. Salute for Jamie Foxx !
I think I'm going to take a nap for an hour. I wanna get back to my old habit: being a heavy-sleeper xP
ps: why 'Three More' ? Because I only have 2 more assignments and 1 presentation to do before the final exam, YAY !
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Happy Raya Day !
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Juajiiiii Mbenceknooo.
Phuh. I got to tell you guys a story.. Jadi ceritanya, di kelas PR itu gw se group sama Marie, Wendy dan Tom. Masing2 group kebagian presentasi dimulai dari 2 minggu yg lalu. Ada sekitar 5 group di kelas gw (kelasnya Sue). Presentasinya tentang Therapy Focus, not-for-profit organisation gt lah. Kita harus presentasi tentang PR strategy yg bakal kita tawarin utk si Therapy Focus ini. Karena TF nya yg beneran butuh PR advice, makanya kali ini agak diseriusin. Jadi nantinya akan dipilih top-3 group yg bakal bener2 presentasiin strategy mereka ke TF, dan pemenangnya bakal dapetin AU$300.
Nah trus trus... Kebetulan group gw kebagian yg pertama presenting. Waktu itu deg2an banget, apalagi ada satu group yg isinya cw bule semua -sebut aja namanya group A- tuh keliatan bgt mereka ng-under estimate kita. Secara di group gw kan bulenya cuma 1, si tom itu, satu lagi org Jepang dan 2 org indo. Kayaknya group A ini ngeliat kita nggak bisa apa2 bgt.
Presentasi group gw jg nggak terlalu bagus, ya standard lah. Apalagi kita salah sangka. Semua strategy kita itu harusnya masuk ke tactics. Walopun kl dibandingin sama yg lain ternyata ya kita nggak jelek2 amat sih.
Sampe akhirnya tiba lah saatnya si group A ini presenting. Gw akuin mereka emang bagus, semuanya bener2 terorganised dan strategy nya juga bagus sih. Mereka cantik2 lagi. Tapi keliatan banget mereka semua ngerasa sok pinter ampun2an. Dan keliatan bgt mereka SOK. Bener2 deh yg namanya mereka under-estimate org lain tih obvious bgt.
Hari ini adalah hari terakhir presentasi. Tadi tutor kita, Sue, cuma make sure aja ke kita2 kalo the first group presenting deserves to get extra mark. Ya emang biasanya juga gitu, group pertama maju kan berarti waktu persiapannya lebih sedikit dong. Dan kita kan ga ada bayangan sama sekali, apa yg kira2 bakal ditanyain sama gurunya, dan rasanya harus ekstra PD deh. SO I guess we deserve that extra mark, might be 5%.
Eeehhh ternyata oh ternyataaa.. SI group A ini protes aja loh mati2an. Sama sekali mereka nggak terima kalo kita dapet ekstra 5%. Sampe argue segala coba ya sama si Tom. Please deh yaa.. Menurut mereka itu nggak fair kl group pertama dapet ekstra 5%. Hellooo... Apa sih artinya 5% ? Its such a big deal ya buat mereka? Padahal gw juga yakin ya, even if we got that 5%, nilai kita jg gak bakal bisa ngalahin mereka kok!
Dan group A ini bener2 ngotot2an yg nggak perlu gitu. Sampe tutornya harus tanya dulu ke unit controller. Ya ampun. Di semua unit juga biasa kalii, dikasih ekstra 5% !
They got the look, they got the brains. But their arrogancy has washed out all the good things in them!!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Different Kind of People
There are many different kind of people around me. Most of them are nice, while some others are appear to be 'trying hard to be nice'. You know what I mean? Its like every good thing they do is not purely come from their hearts, its only their 'mask' so others can perceive them as a good person. Well maybe its normal, but for me, this kind of people are not very comfortable to be with.
There are also people who take themselves too seriously. Boring, if I may say. Even for not-so-important matters, they usually act very serious with the sharp-sight and serious expression. Is it me the one who is too laid-back, or they're just weird?
Uugghh. I hate to get along with weird people. Anyway, maybe its just me being overly sensitive.
I have to start doing my assignments now.. Week nine, remember?? Hehe..
Hopefully dede will be able to come to accompanying me :\
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Well its been 3 days since my last post. I'm not sure about what am I gonna type in here, I just feel like blogging now =P
Talking about my weekend, its been fun! On saturday, we (me, dede, haziq, nazmi, hafiz, nataya, faiz, kak kino, hazel, jerz, moon and her sist) went to the Royal Show -again!- for the second round! Hahaha, we just couldn't get enuff fun last time, could we? Happily we were able to see the fireworks more clearly this time. Its BEAUTIFUL, really ! Me love fireworks, as always :)
Ooh and I got the chance to ride on the Bianglala (i'm not sure what is it called) that looks like London Eye (so kak kino called it perth eye, hehe) -see kicir2 picture on my previous post- with dede. It was wonderful to see the whole amusement park with its lights and crowdness from up above. And very romantic, for sure.. Hohoooo..
I also rode on the gravitron. It feels weird. I felt dizzy afterwards. While we were in it, me and kak kin can not stop holding hands and screams "aaaaaaaa....".. Hahhaha. none of us knows exactly how this UFO thing moves, we just knew that it makes us feels berkunang2. Hehehe..
And today, me and dede spent the sunny sunday in the city. We got to buy few things for oursleves and a lebaran present for someone. Dede wanted to buy a pair of jeans. So i accompanied him to Subway DC and helped him ('watching' him, actually xP) choosing which model would fit him best. And then he went to the fitting room to try it on, and I can say that those jeans looks very nice on him.
Somehow I had this urge to try a pair too. I was thinking "I just wondering how it feels to wear it, thats all. I won't buy it anyway.. Its too pricey for me. I won't buy it, I won't buy it". And guess what? Once I put it on, I couldn't take it off! Aaaahh.. The jeans just fit me very well and it feels like it made specially for me -forget about the length-, and I told dede "Deee, aku bisa senam pake celana ini, enak bangeett. gimana niih, jadi pengen beli..".. Oh well. And I ended up buying it. Huhuhuhuuuuu... But no regret. I guess the price is worth the quality and all. Mom, Daaddd, please forgive me for being such a big spender... :[
This is the firs and the last time I promise !
Oh and one more thing, it was very embarassing when I missheard the shopping assistant suggesting me to get the jeans alterated (to shorten the lenghts since I have this very short leg, huhu). She told me to go to Garden City or Karrinyup City, but what I heard was Carillon City! Hwaaa... 'Karrinyup' and 'Carillon' is waaayy too different to be missheard of, you know? What was I thinking??? Huhuhuhu.. I still find it hard to get along with Australian accent. Stupidooo. Hosh.. hosh.. *kesel*
So I guessed I had to cancel my intend on buying a pair of gold-flat-shoes in Sportsgirl. Especially dede didn't think it suit me well, so yeah.. I allocated the budget for the jeans then.
Just a reminder for myself, I have to book a ticket for next month, and yesssssh tomorrow is the beginning of week 9 ! 3 weeks to go to the final exam! So I have to take all my assignments more seriously, no more gaming, no more shopping (except for grocery shopping), no more 10-hours-sleeping! Bye bye FUN..
Overall I'm thankful for having a wonderful weekend =D
p.s: thanks for the teddy bear, Moon ::))
Thursday, October 4, 2007
My Wish List

stripped silk ballerina flats


miu miu handbag
Monday, October 1, 2007
Perth Royal Show 2007 - 2
Perth Royal Show 2007 - 1
Akhirnya kemaren pergi juga ke royal show.. It turned out to be so much better than what i'd imagined! We went there by train, paling convenience soalnya carpark nya terbatas, dan Transperth udh provide train yg langsung stop di Showground, jadi pas turun train, kita tinggal hoopp, depannya situ udh ada gate nya..
Thn ini yg jadi guest nation nya adalah Indonesia, jadi disana ada pavilion makanan2 indo dan pavilion kebudayaan yg isinya gamelan, tari2an, dan segala macem kesenian daerah indo. Ada Kinarya - nya Guruh Soekarno Putra juga, tapi kebetulan kemaren itu mereka lagi show di Penrhos College jadinya nggak bisa ntn deh.
Selain pavilion Indonesia, PRS itu isinya rides (yg dibagi 2: utk dewasa dan kids), sama games2 seru. Basically sih semua hadiah untuk games nya ya boneka. Makanya kita liat semua orang bawa banyaakk bgt boneka2. Cara mainnya, kita bayar $5, trus berusaha lempar2in bola smp masuk ke suatu kotak utk dapetin hadiah boneka. Makin banyak bola yg masuk, makin gede hadiahnya. Sounds easy ya? Padahal susah lho!
Nah kalo rides nya nih ternyata juga macem2. Di website nya kan cuma ada 3 tuh yg dipamerin, ternyata ada lebih dari 15 rides kok. Pertamanya kita naik kereta gantung dulu, jadi bisa liat ada apa aja disana, permainannya juga letak2nya dimana. Ternyata serem jg lho naik kereta gantung! Kata dede, kereta gantungnya malah lebih serem daripada jet coaster yg smp jungkir balik itu.. hehehe.
Sayangnya gw cuma sempet main jet coaster doang, itu juga karena dipaksa. Soalnya agak takut sih kl pake jungkir balik gitu.. Gw lebih pengen main pontang-panting, atau mega drop, atau piring yg muter2, atau masuk rumah hantu.. Tapi yah waktunya jg ga cukup sih. Soalnya kita semua pada addicted sama games2nya, soalnya kalah terus, jadi penasaran kan..
Ambience nya bener2 oke deh, mungkin karena malem jadi banyak lampu dan rasanya jadi kyk di dongeng2 bule yg ada annual festival gitu, trus ramenya juga pas, keramean enggak, sepi juga enggak. Mungkin karena masih hari kedua ya.. Pengen lagiii kesana, tapi pengennya malem kyk kemaren.. Hmmm.. Mudah2an next year gw masih bisa dateng ah..
btw, gmn sih caranya upload lebih dari 1 foto? maunya tuh fotonya ada diantara paragraf, tapi hasilnya pasti foto yg kedua malah muncul diatas foto pertama.. uugghhh..