Monday, February 11, 2008

Enthusiastically Hott.

Oh my God, surely I can't stand the heat down here. Yuck. I took a shower this morning and now am about to take another, and later, another one before I go to bed. The weather forecast on The Morning Show says that today's temperature is around 22-37. Shoot ! My skin's getting even more dark and dry, i lost my appetite and enthusiasm toward particularly everything ! Hehe gak segitunya sih.. *lol*

Anyway, I got a good news! I'm having 2 interviews tomorrow! yay! T-W-O intervewS ! wish me luck guys, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a very tough competition since they hold a multiple-round interview. Hopefully I could pass this first round.. Luckily, both interviews take place in West Perth, which can be easily reach by public transport. Phiuh..

Okay, I'm off.. Have nice weekdays, folks ;)


Diana Rikasari said...

dita GOOD LUCK yaaaa...kerjaannya apa niii?? :)

Adi Indra said...

Dita maju terus pantang mundur walaupun udara panas menghadang!

Andita Vernada said...

trimakasiiii... mm, kerjaan di bidang marketing2 gitu lah die, hihi tp masih yg part time.. interview nya udh lewat tp gw masih deg2an, hahaha.. norak ya..