Saturday, December 8, 2007

Weekend oh weekend..

i think we're having some sort of communication barrier here.. huh. problems keep coming regularly, and i'm starting to get bored, instead of getting used to it :(
whatever will be, will be. you decide. one moment, things going sweet and nice, another time it gone bad bad bad.. i just wanna have all the good things of being in love.. selfish, huh?

kemaren ntn Quickie Xpress di pim sama HW dan anne pulang kerja, lucu bgt filmnya. Hahaa, nggak nyesel deh ntn itu. 1 studio penuuh. And as always, tora and especially aming, never fail makes us laugh out loud ;D
surprisingly, i spotted pak richard (my IDP guy, hehe..) at one scene playing as a nightclub's security, he's so funny..

trus hari ini, hari sabtu, diundang lunch di rest Samudra di BRI 2 sama bude gw, since dia mau ngenalin kita ke keluarga calon mantunya, hihi. it was fun ketemu sama kluarga2 from my father's side yg udh lama gak ketemu.. sepupu2 gw udh berkarier semua deh, td mostly ngomongin kerjaan terus. tp seru, at least pembicaraan nya berbobot dan nggak cuma haha-hihi doang.. hopefully i can actually go to my cousin's wedding next october..

bsk rencana mau spa di salon, uhuy ! udh lamaa banget nggak nyalon. nggak sabaarr...

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