Sunday, December 30, 2007

My New Year's Resolution

31 December. Hari terakhir di thn 2007. Beberapa jam lagi, kita udh masuk ke thn 2008 nih. Happy? Sure. Tapi entah kenapa di tahun depan rasanya bakal banyak perubahan yang terjadi, yang udah harus dipersiapkan dari sekarang. Insya Allah, semuanya bisa terlalui dengan baik dan sesuai harapan gw selama ini..

To achieve all of my objectives, tentunya gw jg harus banyak berubah dan berusaha lebih keras lagi. So.. Here's are my resolutions:

  • Lulus dengan nilai bagusan dong, jangan cuma credit2 mulu seperti semester2 sebelumnya. Mudah2an next semester, gw bisa dapet distinction buat 3 unit yg bakal gw ambil.
  • Dapet Australian Temporary Resident dulu deh.
  • Graduated on July tentunya :)
  • Menciptakan hubungan yg lebih baik dan harmonis dengan keluarga dan teman2 terdekat, hehe..
  • Bangun lebih pagi.
  • Olahraga.
  • Belajar dandan. hahahah...
  • Lebih bisa berhemat, nggak boros lagi.
  • Bisa dapet kerja full-time right after my graduation. Ameen.

Segitu dulu mungkin ya.. Mau tahun baruan kok malah dag-dig-dug rasanya. Hahaha berlebay deh. Anyway, thn baruan nanti malem gw ngumpul bertiga aja sama nyokap bokap.. Kasian jg ya si Arya ngerayain nya sendirian. I hope u guys enjoy your new year's eve !

Happy New Year !!

Happy New Year 2008
for all of you !
Best wishes for the upcoming year,
Be a better us and make a better resolution for 2008 =D

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Another Reunion.

Well its not actually a 'real' reunion. Just a small gathering in Plaza Senayan of me, Rio, Nicky & Utie, and Irfan. Inthe and Aldi should have been there too, unfortunately Aldi has to visit his grandma in hospital and Inthe didn't answer my call :(


Anyway, its been fun.. We revised almost all of our memory back in highschool, very funny. As I noticed, those of my friends are still look the same like they were 3 years ago, except Irfan with his long hair.. I dont how know much longer he will stand to carry around such weight on his head. Hahha, his hair is even longer (much longer) than mine ! Ckckckck... Owh, and I also noticed that I gain so much weight! Maybe 5-6 kilos... Ugghhh... I'm gonna move on dieetttt !!

Trus kita nonton I Am Legend di XXI. It was the first time I went to PS' newly-renovated theatre.. The ambience is very luxurious, very cozy and relaxing.. No wonder the ticket is quite pricey, too.. Hehe. Apa 50k itu standard yah sekarang? Anyway, comparing XXI with Hoyts is like comparing N73 with 3310, hahaha.. *minjem phrase nya Rio*. Sorry Australia.. But you're waaayyy left behind from Jakarta in many things.


Abis nonton, kita jalan2 sebentar, gw beli memory stick nya Sony, titipan nyokap. Abis itu sementara nunggu dijemput, Irfan sama Rio nemenin ngopi2 di Starbucks dulu. As always, Toffee Frapuccino nya enaak. Its been my favorite! Lebih enak kalo ice yaa, jangan yg blended. Gw nggak terlalu suka kopi yang heavy blended gitu, gampang kenyang dan mbleneg rasanya.

Lumayan jarang nih bisa ngumpul2 gini. Semenjak gw disini, ini baru ke-tiga kalinya gw ngumpul sama temen2, sedih amat ya... Hehe, thanks for your time today, guys !

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas for all who celebrate it,
especially my folks in Perth (Audrey, Wendy, Adi, Jon, Mendi, Mira, and all)
and Mr.Subandriyo and family.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

I Am Legend

Hehee, baru nonton ini nih tadi.. Overal sih ceritanya typical cerita zombie, mungkin disajikan dengan sedikit berbeda aja ya.. Ceritanya Will Smith itu (merasa sebagai) satu-satu nya orang yang tertinggal di muka bumi setelah semua orang lainnya terkena virus Kriptin, yg bikin mereka jadi zombie.
Uniknya, Robert Neville yang diperanin Will Smith ini selain orang militer yang punya senjata lengkap, dia juga professor hebat yang bersikeras untuk bisa nemuin obat to cure the disease. Gimana hasilnya? Tonton aja filmnya smp abis.. Hehehe..
Bagus sih ceritanya.. Ngegambarin psikologisnya dia yang tinggal sendirian di satu kota, bahkan satu negara. Banyak adegan lucu, misalnya, dia rajin ke rental DVD untuk minjem dan balikin DVD nya tepat waktu, padahal nggak ada seorang pun yang jaga rental dvd itu.
Dari segi gambar, ini tipe film yang banyak adegan ngagetin-nya. Mengharukan juga sih.. Jadi yaa, enjoy it guys :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Speedy !

Senangnya, internet di rumah sekarang pake Speedy ! Hihihi enak deh buat chatting dan browsing2, nggak ada tuh acara disconnect2-an...

anyway, here's are my random thoughts:
- sebeeellll, mike nggak menang asian idol ! padahal gw dukung dia 100 % ! hikshiks.. anyway, congrats for hady mirza !
- nggak enak badan bgt nih 3 hari belakangan ini. hiks. sampe cek darah segala, diambil 30 cc ! phiuh untung gw nggak keabisan darah.
- pengen potong rambuuttt. tp nggak tau dimana.
- asik bsk libur, masuk lg tgl 27.
- roti rasa kopi-nya Holand Bakery enak bgt lho.
- sebentar lg anniversary 2 thn sm pacar sayang :)
- akhir2 ini keringet dingin terus deh.

that's all for today, folks
(haha sok asik)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Want That Shoes !

Pada suatu hari yang cerah.. Gw, HW, dan Mbak Riska lunch di ITC deket kantor. Disana gw mendengar kabar yang sangat-sangat mengejutkan. I was in a quite huge shock. Tapi sorry, kabar itu off the record. Hehe.. Nggak lama kemudian Anne dateng.

Setelah selesai makan, dengan perut kenyang, kami pun menyempatkan diri berjalan-jalan liat2 baju di sekitar butik2 situ. Nah, nyantol deh kita di satu toko yang lumayan bagus.. Barang2nya juga lucu2.. Kalo nggak salah nama tokonya Belezza deh. Disitulah hal memalukan ini terjadi.

Gw : (sambil ngeliatin sepatu jelly yang nongol di bawah baju2 yg digantung) Eeehh lucu nih.
SPG: (senyum-senyum)
Gw : (serta merta mengambil sepatu itu dan mencobanya di kaki kanan) Enak deh dipakenya. Nne, lucu nggak nih? Brapaan yah harganya?
Anne : Iya tuh lucu, gw jg punya kok yang kayak gitu.
Gw : Coba ah yang sebelah kiri (ngambil sepatu yg sebelah kiri, nyoba2 di kaki)
Gw : Ih enak bangeett. Berapa nih mbak harganya?
SPG : Nnnggg.. Itu nggak dijual mbak..
Gw : Lho kenapa? Cuma buat display aja ya?
SPG : Nngg.. Itu.. Punya saya..
Gw : Hah.. (cepet-cepet balikin sepatu itu ke tempatnya).


Malu aku malu. Jadi selama itu gw dengan seenaknya nyoba2 sepatu orang. Huhuhu...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Asisi Junior High Reunion

Place: Burger & Grill Tebet Utara

Time: (theoritically) 7 pm

Participants: Gw, Cacha, Sari, Beatrice, Sara, Vonny, Valent, Anna, Nia, Erik, Cherry, Wahyu, Betet, Geraldi, Dipo (?), dll

- ternyata muka2 kita pada nggak berubah sama sekali ! Hahaha..
- seperti biasa, sering bgt kita foto2 pake SLR Camera nya Sari yg muantepp.
- bikin ribut gara2 ketawa mulu, hehe.
- rameeee.
- seru dehh.

photo2nya di upload nanti yaaa..

Fun Day..

I woke up late this morning *dammit*, thanks to my lousy alarm that wasn't beeping on-time. Err... or is it my ears? Hehe anyway.. luckily I arrived exactly at 8.30 am. Phiuuhh.. A bit helping others doing the media monitoring (i found nothing, not even a single article! huhu).

Dan hari ini, sperti beberapa hari belakangan ini, gw cukup senang karena bisa online MSN. Lumayan kalo nganggur bisa ngobrol2 sama pacar yg juga lg nganggur, hihi.

Oh ya, finally I found a supervisor: HM !
hahahaha.. be good to me yah HM..

Hari ini diakhiri dengan ngumpul2 sama alumni2 smp asisi dulu. Seru juga, walaupun ngerencanain nya dadakan, tp yang dateng banyak juga, belasan lah.. Details nya ada di above post yaa..

Have fun, wherever you are..

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Kangen Perth..
Tapi masih pengen disini juga.
Hehe, Binun.

Weekend oh weekend..

i think we're having some sort of communication barrier here.. huh. problems keep coming regularly, and i'm starting to get bored, instead of getting used to it :(
whatever will be, will be. you decide. one moment, things going sweet and nice, another time it gone bad bad bad.. i just wanna have all the good things of being in love.. selfish, huh?

kemaren ntn Quickie Xpress di pim sama HW dan anne pulang kerja, lucu bgt filmnya. Hahaa, nggak nyesel deh ntn itu. 1 studio penuuh. And as always, tora and especially aming, never fail makes us laugh out loud ;D
surprisingly, i spotted pak richard (my IDP guy, hehe..) at one scene playing as a nightclub's security, he's so funny..

trus hari ini, hari sabtu, diundang lunch di rest Samudra di BRI 2 sama bude gw, since dia mau ngenalin kita ke keluarga calon mantunya, hihi. it was fun ketemu sama kluarga2 from my father's side yg udh lama gak ketemu.. sepupu2 gw udh berkarier semua deh, td mostly ngomongin kerjaan terus. tp seru, at least pembicaraan nya berbobot dan nggak cuma haha-hihi doang.. hopefully i can actually go to my cousin's wedding next october..

bsk rencana mau spa di salon, uhuy ! udh lamaa banget nggak nyalon. nggak sabaarr...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Hihihi, just realized that i haven't posted anything for more than a week. Why oh why? Cause i've been busy doing my internship with InterMatrix (IMX) which turned out to be very time-consuming and tiring.. But more than I have expected, I also have lots of fun here (even though i've made some silly mistakes) and gain new experince and friends.

All the bosses and employees are incredibly friendly and nice :)
They are also able to encourage the intern to do a better job, in their own way. So, yeah I think I'm more than lucky to have the opportunity to get to know them and the PR industry itslef.

On the other hand, I still wondering how a family-oriented career women split their time between taking care of their job, as well as their family and themselves.. Its a tough daily routine they're having, if I may say.. Salute!

Phiuh, I feel so so tired and sleepy.. But its still too early for me to throw myself on the bed.. So i guess I'll have a little chit-chat with my beloved boyfriend for half an hour before heading to my dream-la-la land, yay... I missed you too, love.. Wait 3 more weeks and I'll pampered you with a veeerrrryyy looonnnggg hug and lots of kisses *smooch*.. hahahahha..