Monday, January 12, 2009

13 January 2009

O my God, time really flies so fast. In just a blink of an eye, we are standing in the middle of the month, which makes me feel... a little bit frightened.

My daily routine is still the same. Working part time, Park Centre-ing with Wendy, watching dvd.. Owh, except that I had two sessions of driving lesson. Just because I'm having a practical driving test in 16 days. Really, I'm suck at driving.

Hmm.. The other news is that my little brother has arrived safely in Adelaide after a long drive from Melbourne. Yes, he drove all the way from Melbourne to Adelaide in more than 12 hours. Sounds creepy for me, yet exciting for him.

By the way, what is your ultimate new year's resolution? Mine is to become financially independent. I've started it since las year, actually. Now, at the age of 21 (errr... going on 22), I can proudly say that I pay half of my monthly expenses myslef. Hopefully I could get a good job this year, so I can start making my own living.

I have no plan for tomorrow. Have to stay home because some people are coming for white ants inspection.

I'm off now. See ya :)

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